COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic alert and contact tracing app

COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic alert and contact tracing app


Download the APK App file
App Website at
COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app
COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app COVID-19 coronavirus_pandemic alert and contact tracing app

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Other Pandemic Alert & Contact Tracing App (PACT) Is a self assessment and alert/contact tracing app that helps in containing pandemics of multiple disease types including COVID-19, SARS, MERS, EBOLA, HIV, and Malaria.

  • Take a self assessment to determine the risk score and risk level of having an infection (current version supports self assessment for COVID-19 only). Assessment is done in-app without posting any information.
  • Search your selected city for anonymous High/Medium/Low risk locations to be designated on the map to help users avoid locations of possible infections to help contain the pandemic
  • Optionally & anonymously post your location with your calculated risk level to be viewable on the map (temporarily for 14 days from posting date) to other users as a point of risk to help alert other people and contain infections.
  • Optionally & privately post user real name and contact information, along with your assessment score and answers, and optionally location, to be available (temporarily for 14 days from posting date) privately only to authorized official healthcare organizations in case they request the user's data for the purpose of providing assistance/testing in case of its availability/possibility.
  • The app does not use bluetooth technology or proximity tracking. Any submitted locations are selected on the map by the user and submitted with his own consent.

The app can be implemented or modified for any health or government organization upon request. Please Contact Us for more information about the app.

Download the App apk file
App Website at

Installaion Instructions:
  • Swipe down your notifications you will find the downloaded file which you can install by clicking on the file name.
  • You will be prompted to allow application installation from an unknown source (since you are not installing the app from the Google Play store). Tap “Settings” to proceed.
  • Tap “Allow from this source” this request to allow for the installation to proceed and tap the arrow left to go back.
  • Tap “Install” to install the application.
  • Now the App is installed and you can open it by clicking on its icon.

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